Nurturing the process of self-discovery and creating wholeness.
Therapy for Young Adults
Becoming who you were meant to be...
From the moment we are born, we are taught how to fit in at home, at school, into other social or cultural groups we are part of, and how to fit in to broader cultural ideologies including those that promote the continuation of patriarchy, capitalism, white supremacy, and homophobia. We internalize all of these messages and unconsciously live by them until we realize that they aren't working for us. You might be experiencing the heavy weight of all these expectations and trying to make everyone happy, but I bet there's a part of you that's growing discontent and wondering if there's something more.
When we live our lives based on others' values and expectations, we lose touch with ourselves. Anxiety increases to keep you on that path of performance or you may start judging yourself for constantly not living up to everyone's standards. Happiness can never be achieved by striving to meet the standards of others. It comes from living your life from a place of authenticity. This moment is an invitation to connect with yourself, to shrug off the ways of being that haven't been working for you, and figure out how to live life on your own terms. You may be wrestling with similar questions:
What is my purpose?
What do I want for my life?
What do I want in relationship(s)? Will I find love?
What are my values?
Do I want to have a family?
Together we'll explore who you are and what makes you tick. As we go, we'll discover underlying beliefs or behavioral patterns adopted in response to cultural expectations, family dynamics, and hurtful or unsafe life circumstances that complicate the way you show up and keep you from being true to yourself. When we are able to increase self-understanding, we create an opportunity for healing and change. Instead of responding to internalized expectations, you'll be able to make conscious choices that are aligned with your values, set healthy boundaries, and participate in secure and nurturing relationships.
Let's Get Started!
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